Woman Jumps To Death In SM North Annex


An unidentified woman jumped to her death at the 4th level of the SM North Annex, 12:00 noon today, April 16, 2018.

Police Supt. Lito Mantala, QCPD Station Chief, said the woman was seen buying a monoblock chair prior to the incident. The woman allegedly used the monoblock to get up to the barrier wall of the fourth level and jump acros to her death. She fell on a stand of “Binatog”, a local corn delicacy.

Photo of the unidentified woman who jumped at AM North Annex. (photo courtesy of Jong Manlapaz DZIQ 990AM)

A woman crew of the Binatog stall was caught under the jumper and could not leave until the body of the causalty was taken away.

This is the same are where a man was stabbed to death by a computer technician two weeks ago. Manatala said they are still investigating the incident if there was foul play involved.

Bystanders have taken a video of the incident. Here is the video. Please be careful watching the video, it is very disconcerting.



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