Will We Get Cheaper American Cars Soon?


Are we going to see a bigger role for American car companies in the Philippines after that banter by Donald Trump and Rodrigo Duterte on trade between the Philippines and the US?

A report quoted Trump as telling Duterte there are too many Japanese cars in the Philippines and not too many American cars.

Trump allegedly went so far as to ask why Japanese car imports almost pay no taxes while American cars pay so much.

To which Duterte replied there should be better level of trade between the two countries. Duterte allegedly asked to start a better trade deal between the US and the Philippines.

Trump allegedly agreed because we are “sister nations.”

Duterte, in his earlier speeches, scored the US for the seemingly unequal manner the Americans treated the Philippines when it comes to trade deals.

Automobiles are one of the big ticket imports of the country which is experiencing unprecedented growth in sales.

Sadly, only the Japanese have this trade deal with the Philippines where a very low to almost no tarrif is charged on imported Japanese cars.

And while there are plenty of good brands in the world, like the US, Europe and Korea, these cars are charged taxes almost twice their worth because of our tarrif code and non-existent trade deals afforded to automotive products.

So, will this banter bring us cheaper American cars?


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