VICOAP vows continued corrupt-free, tech-driven services


Manila, Philippines–The Vehicle Inspection Center Operators Association of the Philippines (VICOAP) today reiterated its commitment to provide corrupt-free and technology-driven vehicle inspection services as the country marks Road Safety Month this May.

Presidential Proclamation No. 115-A dated 17 November 1966 declared the month of May as Road Safety Month to promote safety along the streets, as well as prevent and reduce casualties due to road crashes through awareness campaigns on traffic rules, regulations, and laws.

“We, at the VICOAP, are one with the nation in observing the Road Safety Month, which coincides with the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week,” VICOAP President Iñigo Larrazabal emphasized.

To recall, the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week, being commemorated this year from 17-23 May 2021, campaigns for Streets for Life #30, or the worldwide implementation of 30 kilometers per hour (kph) motor vehicle speed on streets where people and vehicles mix.

“We actively support UN’s #Love30 campaign as a proactive endeavor to prevent or mitigate the impact of road crashes. On our part, we remain resolute in ensuring that every inspected vehicle is fit to ply our nation’s streets. We will be able to assist in this global initiative by ensuring that the vehicle speed reflected on the vehicle’s speedometer is accurate,” said the VICOAP President.

The speedometer test is one of the comprehensive testing procedures conducted at Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Centers (PMVICs). The test aims to determine the accuracy of the reflected speed on the vehicle’s speedometer. Having an accurate speedometer reading is crucial in order to observe speed limits on the road.

Larrazabal assured that the VICOAP and its member- (PMVICs) are dedicated to keeping Filipinos safe on the road through transparent, corrupt-free, innovative, and technology-based inspection services.

“Aside from being comfortable and world-class, the PMVIC facilities data-driven and require limited human intervention which makes them more accurate and not prone to manipulation of results,” he revealed.

In addition, Larrazabal revealed that VICOAP-member centers are continuously benchmarking within the organization, and internationally to look for opportunities to improve services.

“As members of the association, we vowed to look at our processes to ensure that we adhere to roadworthiness standards. We actively police our own ranks and engage with our clients,” he emphasized.

Further, Larrazabal stated that the VICOAP is in talks with the government and other private sector stakeholders to guarantee quality services, and to ensure that appropriate standards are applied in the country’s setting.

“We have been preparing for this shift back to the less strict community quarantine status. We believe that we have to continuously improve our services to be able to respond to the needs of motorists, and at the same time, save lives by ensuring that standards of roadworthiness are appropriate and responsive to our local setting,” he stressed.

He called on motor vehicle owners not only to make the month of May a time to commemorate road safety but to live up to the commitment by being proactive in ensuring the roadworthiness of their vehicles.

“Road crashes do not choose their victims. Thus, ensuring safety is a responsibility inherent in owning a motor vehicle. We, therefore, encourage owners to check the roadworthiness of their vehicles by having them inspected at the nearest center for this can save lives,” Larrazabal underscored.


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