Now New Policy To Ease Traffic From MMDA

The Metro Manila Development Authority or MMDA has admitted they have ran out of new policies to implement in orcder to ease trafic on EDSA. MMDA EDSA traffic head Bong Nebrija said this is because their hands are now tied from implementing new policies to ease traffic along EDSA.
Nebrija said they have tried numerous approaches and schemes to lessen traffic and vehicle volume along EDSA but it has been stopped by different government bodies every time.
The EDSA traffic head laid down as examples their plan to institute a High Occupancy Vehicle Scheme (HOV) that prohibits driver only cards along EDSA but was stopped by a senate resolution.
Even their plan to ban provincial buses from EDSA was prevented by a restraining order from the courts.
At the moment, Nebrija said all they can do is implement existing policies al,ong EDSA which he believes are not enough to address its congestion problem.
The Metyro Manila Council. oversight committee of the MMDA, will meet in the last week of August. Nedbrija said the meeting will discuss new policies or systems that may help him in his job to move traffic faster along EDSA.