MRT3 Pressure Sparks Almost Fistfight Among MRT3 Officers

Even as the MRT3 service has been improving in the last few weeks because of the correct service and maintenance implemented into the ailing train system, the pressure to get it running smooth and without a hitch may have gotten to the officials of MRT3.

MRT3 Director for Operations Engr. Mike Capati.

Two top officials of the MRT3 almost got into a fist fight early today, April 6, 2018, for still unclear reasons at the MRT3 headquarters at North Avenue in Quezon City.
In a message sent by MRT3 Director for Operations Engineer Mike Capati to Transportation Secretary Art Tugade, Capati was allegedly accosted by MRT3 General Manager Rodolfo Garcia while they were to meet representatives from Australia and Asian Development Bank.

MRT General Manager Rodolfo Garcia.

Capati claims he was simply opening the door for Garcia when the former police general began shouting and berating him and even manhandled him by grabbing his collar.
Capati said Garcia questioned him why he was interfering with Garcia’s job. The incident was allegedly neutralized by DOTr Undersecretary TJ Batan who pacified the two transport officials.
Transport Communications Director Goddes Hope Libiran later said there are some issues that bring pressure and tension into the work environment. These issues sometimes get out of hand when the pressure becomes to hot to handle.
“We wish to note that in any organization for there to be, at times, heated management situations, especially with individuals who are passionate about delivering on that organization’s mandate,” said Libiran in a Viber message.
Libiran also added that “this is not an overly extraordinary organizationa matter, and that the DOtr and MRT3 will handle this in a professional manner.”
No word has been sent out whether the two contending officials have cooled down and settled the issue.

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