Circus is in town and we are Free Spits Daily

It has all begun!
Now the political circus has landed in the Philippines and all the clowns, jokers, magicians, fortune tellers, strongmen and exotic animals have been set free to create as much fun or chaos.
We will tell you which one is which in our next opinion piece because this one is dedicated to introducing my new opinion column in this online tabloid platform.
Free Spits Daily is envisioned to be a tabloid news portal that will deliver information without the spin on our news sections.
What we want to do is to go back to the traditional and well respected manner of delivering news and opinion, where news is just information devoid of speculation or opinion. And then we would like to place opinions are in their proper place, the opinion section. This is to avoid confusing what happened to what some of the more experienced and learned newsmen or opinion makers think happened, these are two very different things.
My column is Syet Da Pwet, and my aim is to separate the truth from the chaff from the excrement that personalities chrun out everyday.
I hope you enjoy what i write and in some cases learn something from it.
To the next column piece then!