Cashless Tollway system now in Phase 2


The cashless tollway project is now getting into Phase 2 according to Tollway Regulatory Board (TRB) Executive Director Abraham Sales. His means that motorists can now use one RFID sticker to use in both North and South Luzon expressways and allied toll roads.

But at the moment, only San Miguel tollways Autosweep can accommodate the information of the other RFID system EasyTrip of MNTC. This means for a motorist to use a single RFID sticker, he must first acquire an EasyTrip sticker of MNTC and have that sticker integrated into the AutoSweep system. The reverse cannot be done.

MNTC executive Atty. Junjie Quimbo said EasyTrip is still in the process of having their engineers configure their system so that they can also accommodate the RFID stickers of Autosweep into their system.

Metro Manila residents are generally divided into two residential locations, the Northern and Southern metropolitan suburbs that use either NLEX or SLEX. Residents of these two areas generally use only one toll road on a daily basis hence they only really require only one sticker.

But many travel to the other side of the metropolis infrequently to visit friends and relatives or to go on vacation. With the new law on cashless transaction on all tollways, these motorists would also need an RFID to enter the other toll road they seldom use.

Quimbo and Sales reminds motorists that under phase 2, they will still have to monitor the monetary loads of the two toll road wallets to make sure they are not inconvenienced by lack of funds when entering these tollways.

The Department of Transportation earlier explained that the cashless tollway program will be implemented in three phases. Phase 1 is the current activity where all tollways are required to use the RFID system for exacting payment from motorists using the tollways.  They call this the 2 sticker 2 wallet phase.

Phase two is the use of one sticker with two wallets where one RFID sticker can be accommodated by the two major tollway companies but still using two financial instruments and phase 3 is the one sticker one wallet system where there is only one sticker attached to only one financial instrument.


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