Bong Go calls for clean and credible elections


As the campaign period for national positions starts on February 8, Senator Christopher “Bong” Go appealed to candidates, their supporters and the public to strive for a peaceful, clean and credible 2022 national and local elections.

Go emphasized the need to uphold the sanctity of the ballot as he encouraged Filipinos to actively participate in the democratic process. He especially urged them to report any incident of violence, fraud and other violations of the election code.

“As citizens, our biggest responsibility is to exercise our right to vote. When we vote, we give ourselves a chance for our voices to be heard by choosing leaders who not only share our ideals but who will also uplift the lives of our people and carry out our aspirations for our nation,” said the lawmaker.

Go told voters to choose their leaders wisely by scrutinizing their characters, platforms and track records. As senator and former Special Assistant to the President, he spoke of the enormous difficulties of being a public servant which demands strength of character, professionalism and non-stop hard work throughout one’s term.

“Let us remember that we must vote for leaders who cannot only unite the nation but also deliver on their promises. As such, we must thoroughly scrutinize their character, their priorities as well as their intentions on why they want to be the next leaders of our country,” continued Go.

“What is at stake here is not only our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic but also the future of our nation and the next generation of Filipinos,” he underscored.

The senator then praised President Rodrigo Duterte for his fast and decisive actions in times of crises. The President, he noted, successfully laid a solid foundation for the future by enacting the Universal Health Care Act which aims to guarantee care for all Filipinos through a single-payer healthcare system.

He also signed the Malasakit Centers Act, which Go primarily authored and sponsored in the Senate, that has assisted an estimated three million poor and indigent patients in need of convenient access to the medical assistance programs of the government.

Moreover, under the Duterte Administration, the Philippines entered a golden age in infrastructure development through reform initiatives such as the ‘Build, Build, Build’ program.

Millions of jobs were created and the economy improved due to bold policies like the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law which helped ensure steady revenue flow to fund massive investments, and the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act which reduced corporate income taxes for micro, small and medium enterprises.

In addition, the President led a vigorous nationwide campaign against illegal drugs, criminality and corruption; doubled the salaries of all uniformed personnel; and established the 8888 Citizens Complaints Center that has resulted in safer streets as well as a more effective, responsive and transparent government, among others.

“With all the many beneficial projects, programs and initiatives that President Duterte has undertaken, it is important that we choose a successor who will build on his gains and not destroy them,” said Go.

“I thus implore our voters to carefully choose who among the candidates can sustain this legacy, pursue these endeavors further, and usher in a new era of growth and prosperity. Of course, it is imperative that the next leader must continue the Duterte Administration’s efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic,” he added.

On this note, the senator encouraged the public to get vaccinated as the government rolls out vaccinations to children aged 5 to 11 beginning February 7. The vaccinations, which will require special pediatric dosing instructions, will begin in select sites in Metro Manila before expanding nationwide the following week.

“These vaccines are crucial to achieving our goal of protecting every Filipino and will allow us to safely reopen schools and public spaces as well as ensure the full recovery of our economy,” reminded Go, who currently heads the Senate Committee on Health.

“The President and I have always believed that this nation is destined for a brighter future. With your participation, cooperation, and of course, your duty to choose who will lead our nation, I am sure that we will be victorious from our present challenges and emerge as a stronger and more united nation,” he added.


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