Agri Dep’t. Denies Swine Flu Outbreak

There is now outbreak of the highly feared African Swine Flu anywhere in the country according to the Department of Agriculture.
The DA said they have not yet pinpointed the reason why pigs have been dying in the three Barangays of Rodriguez, Rizal.
DA Spokesp[erson Noel Reyes assufed the public that they are strictly monitoring the situation and are implementing their protocols in areas where incidents of pigs dying have occured.
The protocols being strictly implemented are the followeing:
- Pigs inside the 1-kilometer radius of the incident have been slaughtered whether they have been sick or not.
- They have instituted strict surveillance of the swine industry in Rodriguez within a 7-kilometer radius of the incidents.
- And immediate reporting of pigs getting sick or dying within a 10-kilometer radius.
The Agriculture Department also banned swill-feeding for the meantime to avoid contaminating other pigs who may be actually sick.
All movements of live animals and processed meat also need to have the necessary veterinary requirements and permits before they can be transported.
The DA also assured the public there will be ample supply of meat and pork products in the market nationwide.