Duterte stressed importance of South China Sea arbitral award during United Nation General Assembly



President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday stressed that importance of South China Sea to remain “a sea of peace, security and prosperity,” in addressing the United Nation General Assembly.

Duterte also give significance of the arbitral award denying China’s claims over disputed waters in saying “we must resolve disputes peacefully.”

“The Philippines is one with the ASEAN and other stakeholders in ensuring that the South China Sea remains a sea of peace, security and prosperity,” he added.

“The 1982 UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award of the South China Sea provide a clear path towards a just, fair, and win-win solution for all.

“The award must be seen for what it is — a benefit across the board to all who subscribe to the majesty of the law.

“No amount of willful disregard by any country, however big and powerful, can diminish the arbitral award’s importance.”

In last year’s General Assembly, his first, Duterte had rejected what he called attempts to undermine the Philippines’ victory in a 2016 ruling on the South China Sea.


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