25 Driving Etiquettes For Gentlemen

I have been racking my brain looking for a way to inform people that driving a motor vehicle is a gentleman’s endeavor.
I mean, truthfully, if we keep driving the way we are driving in the metro today, with the way the volume of cars are increasing daily, we will end up not moving at all if we don’t give way.
Anyways, I was scouring the web when I found this wonderful article by The Gentleman’s Journal about the etiquette of driving, or How A Gentleman Should Always Behave In Traffic.
So with permission from TGJ (see original article here), I would like to re-post these nuggets of wisdom we should remember when we are behind the wheel.
Here are the 25 golden rules of driving etiquette: (with some notes and edits to reflect our geographical location)
  1. A gentleman does not speed, unless the car he is driving is worth it. Or he is taking his in-labour wife to hospital. Or his Labrador is injured.
  2. A gentleman does not flick between lanes in slow moving traffic.
  3. A gentleman will not loiter in the middle lane – the right lane is called the slow lane for a reason.
  4. A gentleman accepts responsibility if he is at fault.
  5. A gentleman will give wide berth to a carabao on a country lane.
  6. A gentleman will always thank anyone who has gone out of their way to let them have right of way
  7. A gentleman does not rev his engine in a built up area – unless he drives a V12 (its noise is poetry, not pollution).
  8. A gentleman dips his headlights well in advance.
  9. A gentleman does not call the AA for a flat tyre – it is like calling an ambulance for a splinter.
  10. A gentleman does not spend more time cleaning his car than he does himself.
  11. A gentleman calls a cab after having more than the driving limit.
  12. A gentleman does not tailgate – even if he owns an Lexus.
  13. A gentleman does not feel the need to show off his lack of manhood by playing aggressively loud music with all the windows down.
  14. A gentleman has never considered getting a body kit.
  15. A gentleman will always slow down for animals.
  16. A gentleman does not refer to the police as Pigs, Pigoy, or Baboy.
  17. A gentleman accepts his parking tickets with dignity rather than fury.
  18. A gentleman pulls over if he is causing a tailback. (buildup of traffic)
  19. A gentleman is never a back-seat driver.
  20. A gentleman lets other cars pull into the flow of slow traffic. (zipper in?)
  21. A gentleman never resorts to full-blown road rage – he doesn’t want to be a YouTube or a Facebook sensation.
  22. A gentleman does not adorn his car with eye lashes, fluffy dice or nodding dogs. (it is a distraction to driving)
  23. A gentleman does not undertake – he has a brain. (passing on the right lane)
  24. A gentleman who drives a Defender always acknowledges a fellow Defender driver. (Atty. Consunji is that you?)
  25. A gentleman refrains from using his horn.

There you go! I hope you try some of them soon! Tata and toddle-loo!!!


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