Keyless Car Robbery, Avoid It!!!


Recent videos about car robberies using keyless entries have been circulating in the internet. In London and New York, this crime has been of very grave concern to new car buyers because most automobiles today open their locks via remote keys.

A vehicle security expert from Europe has forwarded us some unsolicited advise to prevent car thieves from running away with your car using high tech gadgets.

Vehicle security expert Thatcham Research said the ‘transmitter relay’ attack seen in CCTV footages seem to exploit a vulnerability in a vehicle’s keyless entry system, with criminals amplifying or capturing the signal from a keyless or ‘smart’ fob.

Keyless fobs, which should not be confused with standard remote fobs, allow drivers to easily open and start their vehicle without pressing the fob or even having to remove it from their pocket.

“Keyless entry systems on cars offer convenience to drivers, but can in some situations be exploited by criminals. Concerned drivers should contact their dealer for information and guidance, and follow our simple security steps.” – Richard Billyeald, chief technical officer at Thatcham Research

“We are working closely with the Police and vehicle manufacturers to address this vulnerability, continuing our approach that has driven vehicle crime down 80% from its peak in 1992.” Billyeald also said.

So here are some tips for millenials who will get a car with keyless entry systems:

  1. Contact your dealer and talk about the digital features in your car. Have there been any software updates you can take advantage of?
  2. Check if your keyless entry fob can be turned off. If it can, and your dealer can also confirm this, then do so overnight.
  3. Store your keys away from household entry points. Keeping your keyless entry fob out of sight is not enough – thieves only need to gain proximity to the key to amplify the signal. Better yet place your key fobs in signal blocker cases.
  4. Be vigilant. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity in your neighborhood – and report anything unusual to the Police.
  5. Review your car security. Check for aftermarket security that may improve your vehicles security system.



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